About the Paley Monoprints
Monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has lines or images that can only be made once. This differs from traditional printmaking, which allows for multiple originals. There are many techniques of mono-printing, in particular the monotype. Examples of standard printmaking techniques which can be used to make monoprinting include lithography, woodcut, and etching.
In 2012, Albert Play had the opportunity to visit Burning Bones Press in Texas for a print residency. In this fifth print residency of his career, Mr. Paley applied his visual vocabulary by using pattern pieces from past projects as well as utilizing materials at hand to create new patterns.
Albert spent the week working with the co-founders of Burning Bones Press: Master Printer Patrick Masterson, an instructor at The Glassell School of Art who also teaches printmaking at the University of Houston, and Carlos Hernandez, a Houston-based serigraphy artist. The result of this exploration extended the boundaries of the printmaking process, resulting in an unparalleled number of unique large-scale monoprints over five working sessions.
In 2015, Albert Paley served again as Artist-in-Residence at the Burning Bones Press in Houston, Texas. He spent a week working with printers Pat Masterson and Carlos Hernandez to create eighty large-scale monoprints.
